AI won’t replace you, the person using it will.

Max Gaudelli
2 min readJan 5, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, with advances in machine learning and natural language processing leading to the development of increasingly sophisticated AI systems. But while AI may seem like a purely technological endeavor, it is actually powered by humans at every step of the way.

From the initial conception of an AI system to the data collection and labeling that goes into training it, humans play a critical role in the development of AI. In fact, it is the human element that ultimately determines the success or failure of an AI project.

One of the key ways that humans power AI is through the creation of algorithms. These are the sets of instructions that dictate how an AI system should analyze and process data. While machine learning algorithms can be used to automate certain aspects of this process, they still rely on human input to determine what data to analyze and how to interpret it.

Data collection and labeling is another area where humans are crucial to the development of AI. In order for an AI system to learn, it needs to be fed vast amounts of data that it can use to “train” itself. This data must be carefully collected and labeled by humans in order for the AI system to be able to accurately understand and process it.

But the role of humans in AI goes beyond just the technical aspects of development. It is also important for humans to consider the ethical implications of AI and to ensure that it is used in a responsible and fair manner. As AI becomes increasingly integrated into society, it will be up to humans to make sure that it is used in a way that benefits all members of society.

In conclusion, while AI may seem like a purely technological endeavor, it is actually powered by humans at every step of the way. From the creation of algorithms to the data collection and labeling that goes into training AI systems, humans play a crucial role in the development of AI. It is therefore important for humanity to continue to play a central role in the development of AI, both to ensure its technical success and to ensure that it is used ethically and responsibly.



Max Gaudelli

Copywriter & Digital Creative with a knack for Machine Learning. My canvas: AI and the great outdoors. Dreaming through code, living beneath the stars